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An oldie-but-goodie

August 17, 2005 - 2:29 p.m.

I think it's time to post a link to that article on female ejaculation that generated so many hits a couple of years ago. I was looking back through my logs and realized that I now seem to have a ton of new readers (probably clicking on that snazzy new banner, I would guess) and I thought, well, every woman I've had read this article thought it was pretty neat, and some of them have put it to good use, so...

Anyway, if you're disturbed by frank discussion of fun sex things, don't click the link... go read or something. The other 94% of you, have a good time. Tell me how it comes out.

I should reformat it, though. It's pretty boring-looking. And no, there are no pictures.

The iPod went off to Apple again today, complete with a hand-written note explains its ailment with a simple diagram. My handwriting blows ass these days... years of typing and years of using Palm OS mean I literally almost never write even a few words. I no longer write paper checks, and everyone I communicate with, I reach through email or IM.

My handwriting was never spectacular in the first place. Back in first grade, we were taught how to print, and I was pretty good at that. A couple of years later, we had to learn "cursive" writing, which I was never nearly as good at. I suffered through a couple of years of that, and then, in sixth grade, we could do whatever the hell we wanted. I immediately abandoned cursive writing and went back to block print. To this day, the only two words I can "write" are my first and last names. I cannot even truly sign my middle name, since I stopped using it about the time I could go back to block printing and when confronted with legal forms or other silliness where I have to "sign" my middle name, all I do is throw an extra eight or ten squiggles into the middle of my legal signature and call it a day.

Now, even my block printing is getting hard to read. Mrs. Seekins, back in first grade, would be quite appalled, I think.

Speaking of appalling, the Saab has been consuming a lot of that $2.50-a-gallon gas lately, mostly due to the intense heat that causes me to run the air conditioner almost all the time. Still, it's getting 25 miles per gallon. Someday when we're all driving solar/biodiesel hybrids, we'll all look back on 25 miles a gallon with horror. Me, I already look back on 16 miles a gallon that way. The Saab-o-matic hasn't moved an inch since I got the 1989 back from the shop with a new engine.

Feel like trying to set a record? A friend of mine in New Jersey IMed me the other night to say that she had just met a guy through They apparently really hit it off, because on their second or third date, he stayed over. She reports that they went through ten condoms in one evening.

Even I was awestruck. I'm trying to remember a time I've done it even FOUR times in one night. She's a lot tougher than she looks.

I don't know what it is, but almost every forty-something woman I know is just insatiable. There's some weird hormonal thing going on or something... but Penny, Mary, Melody, Sarah... all the middle-aged women are horny as fucking hell.

The jury is still out on Fawn, but just based on last weekend, my guess is, they'll come back from the jury room pretty soon now with a guilty verdict. I think we just wore each other out talking, so there wasn't as much energy for sex.

The more I talk with her, the more calm I feel. She's a pretty good lady.

And no, I haven't sent her the link to the article on squirting.


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