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Well, it's down to the wire

August 10, 2005 - 4:00 p.m.

Ten days from when I'm supposed to go see Martha, and I sense she's getting both more interested and more apprehensive about it. I can feel myself checking out of the whole situation because I just hate playing those sorts of games.

I haven't made any reservations.

She has plenty of reservations.

I am thinking I probably shouldn't go, at least not now. She keeps telling that this is about the best time (or at least as good as any) which makes me think she's interested in seeing what happens, but her ability to pull out the aforementioned list of caveats and conditions just amazes me. And we haven't even MET yet.

I think perhaps it'd be better if I held off and see what happens with Fawn. She just seems... more adventurous.

Saturday we're going to the fair... time once again to talk to goats and cows, consume corn dogs and watch tractors. Saturday evening we're getting all foofed up and going to dinner. I need to get one of my suits cleaned, because Fawn is doing the black-dress-and-heels thing and I should try to look the part.

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