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May 10, 2005 - 5:50 p.m.

This was a truly enjoyable day for a fan of cute legs. Maryland's weather is rather binary... we go from 40s-and-rainy straight to 80s-and-humid, and there's very little middle ground in there where the weather is temperate. This week, however, it's been good: mid-70s during the day and not the horrendous humidity we often have here. As a result, the shorter skirts are out and women are showing themselves off... today was probably the peak viewing time I've seen so far this year. It was highly pleasant.

As the summer moves in, and the temperature and humidity go up, the tendency of women to avoid nylons and choose gag-inducing and clunky sandals instead of more elegant closed pumps goes up, as well. I have to say, that because the workforce here is somewhat older than average, nylons do hide a lot of really unpleasant things: gnarly tendons, roadmap-like veins, horrendous pedicures or lack thereof, and all sorts of other things, so I'm all in favor of temperate weather to extend the enjoyment of spring attire.

OK, all of you women who hate nylons can write in and tell me I'm a pig... but hey, they exist for a reason, and the reason is to make your legs look better... smoother and more even in tone. I kinda like that look.

I feel much better these days. Many good things are happening, details of which I'll write about when things get to where I'm more assured thinking about them.

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