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Nuke Mississippi!

March 14, 2005 - 10:15 p.m.

As background to this lecture, please review Dirty Dancing (1987).

The moment I settle on a woman I think is perfect for me, the world seems to erupt with women who seem even more perfect for me.

This would include some women I didn't think could move into that role again.

Yet they did.

Intensely. Gently.

With my eyes -- and her eyes -- wide open.

Except those times when having ones eyes wide open would seem a little creepy to one's partner.

Everything in my life is moving incredibly fast, yet when I focus on it, it's all moving slowly. Locally.

That girl from afar disturbs me a little with her obsession with me. A girl less distant fascinates me with her elegance and detachment. A girl local to me captivates me again, as she has done before, with her understated sexiness and the way she challenges me.

There are others.

I could shoot for the moon, or be a dismal underground test somewhere in a salt mine in Mississippi.

I love... someone.

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