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Cows Ate My Marigolds

November 08, 2004 - 3:23 p.m.

Those of you with anti-jingoist tendencies can now sing other words to God Bless America when you're subjected to it at sporting events and other public functions.

The nice thing about this set of lyrics is, unless someone is really paying attention to you, they will not have the least idea that you're not singing along with the other sheep. Try it!

Cows Ate My Marigolds

Cows ate my marigolds.
Lambs ate my gloves.
Skanky spiders, in gliders,
Threw a pipe at my bike from above.
From the mouse-shit, to the dairies,
To the oatmeal, white with foam,
Cows ate my marigolds,
On whole wheat toast.
Cows ate my marigolds,
On whole wheat toast.

Music © 1918, revised 1938, Irving Berlin

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