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20 years later

November 03, 2004 - 4:24 p.m.

I'll say the same thing I said this week in November, 1984:

They re-elected that asshole.

Sometimes I think the Blue States should simply secede. The razor-edged distinction between areas voting for that ape and areas voting for Kerry was astonishing. It's as if there are three distinct nations on this part of the continent, in the space formerly occupied by the "United" States.

One is a section of the Northeast, occupied by educated, higher-income people and poor minorities.

One is a section of the West Coast, occupied by educated, higher-income people and poor minorities.

The rest is occupied by working-class whites with limited education.

Bush and his regime should simply be allowed to withdraw to the Red States, choose Montgomery, Alabama as their capital again, call it Redneckistan, and have done with it. They can subjugate women, outlaw reproductive rights, breed and breed and breed, invest lots in football stadiums and weapons and nothing in education, build 50-foot razor-wire fences to keep out immigrants, and build internal stalags to hold gays, Jews, minorities, people without children, intellectuals, and anyone they deem a "terrorist."

Then the Northeast can form a nation that would end up probably something like England, and the West can form a nation that would probably be a lot like the United States used to be.

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