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Chewy on the outside, with a liquid center

October 28, 2004 - 1:43 p.m.

I am fucking pissed off. I got bit by a deer tick. Thing is, I didn't actually even notice it until late last night, and figured it was just a bruise on my arm. Didn't even look at it. I get up this morning, and there's a tick's ass staring back at me... his head was chewing into my skin and he'd made (or, rather, she had made, since it's a female -- they're much larger than the males) a small blood blister below the skin.

Tried pulling it out, and succeeded only in trashing it, and because of the angle it's at, I can't really get a good grip with surgical tweezers to get the rest of it out.

Believe it or not, the only person I think I trust to help with it might be Melody. I figure she can be trusted not to be timid about it (and thus leave some of it in there) but probably won't go gung-ho and just dig it out the way they're likely to at Kaiser. That, and Kaiser can't get me in to do anything about it till tomorrow afternoon, by which time I could have Lyme disease or something.


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