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Cate Edwards is hot. Vote for her dad.

July 28, 2004 - 11:01 p.m.

OK, I'll just say it: Cate Edwards is hot. She is hot hot hot. I'd hit it.

Just on that basis, you should be voting for John Kerry and John Edwards. Personally, I think the Bush daughters are dimwits. Having Kerry and Edwards running the country means getting to check out Cate Edwards at photo-ops for eight years.

Everybody has to be for something, and I am for terrific calves on dark-haired women with brains. Vote early and often, y'all. The Bush Twins will be in jail or rehab before too long at the rate they're going, and I don't think they're that cute.

Side note: Elizabeth Edwards is kinda dumpy, typical housewife who let herself slide and now has to try to get it together, and Theresa Heinz Kerry is old enough to be my mother. Older, actually. And I have no idea if she has cute calves.

It's on topics like this that politics moves.

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