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I was wrong, OK?

July 15, 2004 - 12:39 p.m.

OK, I was wrong. I sent my ex-wife a nice note yesterday mentioning that it had been exactly one year, and asking her how this year has been. Surprisingly, we had a somewhat terse but thoughtful email dialog the rest of the day. Nothing that would have much meaning outside that context, but it's safe to assume neither of us is holding big grudges these days and both of us think this was actually a fairly good thing to have done. I was talking to Melody last night, as I loaded the iPod up with music for our trip to New York this weekend, and she asked me if I was happier than I was three or four years ago.

Unquestionably, I am. I miss pretty much nothing about the years 2000 or 2001, and certainly not 2002.

Melody and I seem to have stopped fooling around quite as much. I think a lot of it has to do with being tired a lot of the time. She insists we'll catch up this weekend, when we're in western New York, and to prove the point has packed up a strangely large bottle of AstroGlide.

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