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Still have that twinge once in a while

June 28, 2004 - 6:30 p.m.

Since some of you seem to read this as some insight into the mind of a guy in his forties who seems to have too much sex and too little energy, here's another one: yes, in spite of the fact that I have ready access to a really attractive, remarkable woman on a pretty much daily basis, I still get twinges of pretty spectacular lust for certain people I see. Can't explain why, can't even identify a pattern, it just happens. Today was such a day. Someone I've worked with for a few years was wearing a particularly short dress for the first time in months, and she has really great calves. For about four seconds I considered how interesting it would be to pull her into a closet somewhere and put the swollen parts together rather abruptly, but then I remembered that since this building was remodeled, there really aren't... any closets.

Fantasy blows.

One more nail in AT&T's coffin today: got the unlock code for my AT&T Siemens S46 phone that I had used prior to getting my Ericsson R520m last year. I am now free to use the Siemens on any network I choose. Don't look to AT&T to provide the unlock code for the phone you paid for, though... they will stupidly claim that only the manufacturer can provide it. Never mind that AT&T directed the manufacturer to lock the phone to AT&T's shitty network... never mind that they and a couple of other carriers are being sued over not providing unlock codes at the end of a contract. Me, I called AT&T knowing they wouldn't provide the code, and when they said they couldn't, asked them what address I could send the phone to so that THEY could pay for the recycling. Fuck if I'm going to have a high-tech boat-anchor after I have stopped using AT&T.

In any case, I paid ten bucks and had GSM Software send me the unlock code, and now the Siemens happily supports T-Mobile (or anyone else whose SIM I stick in there).

I have to go and do stuff now. I think a martini and some raspberries are calling me. I suspect Melody will be too tired to fool around later, but that's OK. We did more than enough of that this past weekend, but not enough to completely rid me of these little lusty twinges toward near-strangers.

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