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The apology post (not)

June 13, 2004 - 10:52 p.m.

I haven't been terribly good about adding things here. Everyone, when they write a site like this, eventually writes The Apology Entry, as if somehow we feel you have a right to read new stuff from time to time, and we, the writers, are screwing off somewhere.

Well, I admit it. I am screwing off. Rather than writing about living my life, I have been spending an awful lot of time actually... living it. I am pretty aware that since I'm no longer dating (and therefore having sex with) several women, things may seem more superficially boring.

They aren't. At least, not to me.

Melody and I spent the weekend (including the bonus day off I got thanks to the demise of that old actor) doing a variety of things. Working on her house. Trying Vietnamese food (in my opinion, the Vietnamese must have learned their beermaking from the French, which is to say, they learned nothing -- avoid "33" beer). Watching really good television, since the cable company showed up with her high-definition set-top box. We made raspberry ice cream, after picking a pint of wild black raspberries in the rain on Friday.

And yes, we had some truly terrific sex. Not spectacular in the conventional sense (if we made them, our amateur sex videos would be unsaleable and probably incredibly boring), but terrific in the sense of being very close, like conversation between our bodies.

It has been months since I've even known where my Viagra is, let alone needed to take any. I suppose I should find it before one of the cats does.

That could be very strange.

Everything has been productive lately. Nothing has been particularly difficult or painful. These are the good days for which one lives through the bad days to reach.

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