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Sick adas

May 24, 2004 - 1:22 a.m.

The cicadas at Melody's are getting incredibly loud.

Those of you located in areas of the country outside the range of Brood Ten of the 17-year cicadas may not understand what it's like. Picture these bugs about the size of Matchbox cars, with red eyes, big wings and no damn brains. Picture them spending the entire day advertising for cicada sex using a pitch that sounds like a rattlesnake rattle (or a very small WeedEater).

Now, picture 2000 of them in a single tree. Picture fifteen million of them in a small forest. And picture yourself living nearby. It's pretty damn loud.

They're harmless. Stupid -- they'll fly into you or anything else -- but harmless. The adults don't even eat anything.

Seventeen years ago right now I was just moving to Jamestown, New York.

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