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Typing with one hand

April 22, 2004 - 4:55 p.m.

I keep an eye on the stats on my site, here. Seems like the traffic in and out is quite fickle and quite tied to my chewing through my banner ad count. I put up banners, people show up. I don't, they don't. Persistence is a strange concept. I mean, doesn't anyone ever visit a second time, or do you all just show up, read all hundred-forty-something entries, and then go away, satisfied you "know" me?

If that's the case, wait till I put the site on DVD, then you can have a People In Hell party and have all your friends over. Somebody remember to make taco dip, and for fuck's sake, don't buy that crappy low-carb beer, OK?

I woke up this morning and found myself in the middle of a really nice Melody-related fantasy. Then the iBook dinged at me, and it was Melody in IM, asking me if I was awake.

"Sure, I said. Just thinking about you." I declined to mention that a certain portion of my anatomy was thinking a LOT about her and typing with one hand was a little difficult.

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