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Good old outrageous sex(tm)

April 21, 2004 - 4:47 p.m.

I am so fucking sick of little pieces of paper I could shit blue.

Last night I left my wallet on the roof of the Saab and drove off. Apparently it fell off somewhere in the big parking lot and sat there,being driven over and getting stuff knocked or taken out of it, and someone turned it in this morning. Had to cancel three or four credit cards, but I am still scratching my head. If someone found it and went through it, who would take a Petco discount card and leave two platinum cards and a gold card? And if it just sat there and some nice person found it, wouldn't they have seen all the ejected crap and picked that up, too?

My work ID is among the missing, so I get to use temporary IDs for a week or so while they replace my badge. Fark.

Needless to say, today was largely a waste as I checked every possible location for the stuff, and then spent time on the web and on the phone ordering replacement cards and such.

Melody and I talked a lot about sex last night and this morning. I asked her quite formally if she was willing to share her bed and body with me this weekend after the formal ball we're going to. She didn't rule it out, but didn't commit to anything. She worries that somehow she's going to "lose" something and she seems to see sex as a big commitment, where I see it as a representation of the commitment. I want to be with her, I want to spend time with her, I've already spent a lot of time and effort getting us to know each other.

But it'd be nice to just have good old outrageous sex.

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