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Breathing is good

April 11, 2004 - 5:55 a.m.

I am finding once again that sometimes, sex is not enough. My weekend houseguest, Jane, is disarmingly sexy, but I am starting to think that we would be much better off as a pair of really good friends. I am not sure what tips me toward this guess, but I just think she has way too much work to do on her own life. And of course, the comparisons between her and Melody are inevitable.

I am sitting in my living room rather than fooling around with her because I am pretty much in sex-overload. If I get touched one more time I think I am going to go into convulsions. What's more, I am inexplicably short of breath and came down here so that I could sit upright and breathe again.

I also wanted to be down here with the iBook so that I could read and answer Melody's numerous and thoughtful emails. If I'm addicted to anything right now, it's her words. I can't wait to see her again. This probably has a lot to do with forming my amiguous thoughts about my weekend houseguest.

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