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March 25, 2004 - 4:37 p.m.

This thing is taking over my life.

This girl.

We'll call her Melody.

A week ago I didn't know she existed. I don't even know her last name, don't have a phone for her, don't know what her voice is like. She writes to me when she writes to me, she says few things, but powerful and important things, and then she disappears until the next time.

And I cannot stop thinking about her. I just spent I don't know how much time just staring at her picture online. I am rapidly getting pathetic.

In the absence of facts and communication, my mind takes off on its own, and I imagine her sitting in her office, trying to figure out how to politely tell me to buzz off, she's already in touch with a rich European whose cats are smarter than mine and whose house isn't covered in cat hair.

This is pretty bad. Sorry. Yes, I know you all tune in for the sex. Well, there really isn't any right now, thank you. You can go have a look at that other blog written by the suicidal emo girl... just click NEXT a few times or something, you'll find it.

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