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Smoked ham

March 14, 2004 - 12:56 a.m.

People have sent me some emails asking whatever happened to Mary. Well, she hasn't really gone anywhere while I've been with Penny. She's been there, we've been friends, she's been trying to meet normal guys to date.

Last night she came back into my life in a big way. She sent me an email at work late Friday afternoon saying she was feeling down, and needed cheering up. We decided to go have a drink and watch the Maryland game against Wake Forest. I went to pick her up, and I knew pretty clearly what she had in mind, because she was dressed up cute and sexy, and she had spent way too much time choosing what to wear (I could tell -- outfits were thrown all over her room in indecision).

We went, we watched the game, had a drink, talked about a lot of things, and just as if we had never been apart, we went back to her house and were all over each other. My god, her orgasms are violent. She's a terrific singer and has a powerful voice, and sometimes things get loud and painful. But the sense of release I could feel in her was overwhelming, as if she had a large spring overwound in her and it was all spinning out of control.

And then I stayed over. Just like that.

Are we "back together?" No. We both know we want to find some new people, but we also know we can lean on each other at times like this, and if that means we also can be physically close, so be it. I don't even try to explain it any more. It just... is.

Today I spent sweeping my driveway and burning leaves and branches. Since they were maple, I came back inside smelling like a large smoked ham. The cats sniffed me for a long time. I suspect the mix of smells on my unshowered self made the cats think I had had sex with a smoked ham.

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