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Not the sleep

March 04, 2004 - 11:58 p.m.

I slept for twenty hours today. I went to sleep at this time last night (after getting a ticket on the way home because I was changing lanes because I was so tired) and woke up at 8:00. PM. Completely lost the entire day. Here it is, midnight again, and I could go to sleep for another 20 hours. This is starting to get a little disturbing.

Tomorrow, I pick Penny up at the airport. Saturday, I do some work, then meet someone from out of town who has read my site for some time and has wanted to meet me. I have no idea what she plans, but I do know that she's coming dressed to kill. Anything could happen and probably will, and I will probably write about it here.

Sunday, I get to work again. Wow.

Somewhere in there, I will no doubt be sleeping a lot. And probably having sex. Why am I not looking forward to the sex as much as the sleep?

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