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February 09, 2004 - 5:38 p.m.

I realized I left something hanging... I went down to the conference in Orlando a couple of weeks ago, right?


Argh. Nothing, nothing happened. Liz and I were like old friends should be, and while we did get to do a little cuddling and she did lay a terrific kiss on me, that was it. And oddly, that felt about right. Not that there weren't other women I'd have liked to wake up next to, but that never really happened, either.


In other news, just this afternoon, someone I'd always had ideas about unexpectedly returned to my consciousness. A long-ago friend of my ex-wife's is a friend of someone I know who maintains a mailing list I'm on. June was at our wedding years ago, and I haven't really seen her since, but I remember her as being complex, cute, devastatingly smart and (you can almost hear it coming like a far-off locomotive) she had terrific calves.

I have no idea if she's single. I would love to find out, but she's at the other end of the country these days.

Distressing. Such a waste.

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