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Vomit! It makes your teacher scream...*

January 19, 2004 - 4:24 p.m.

I get to goof off today. It's the miracle of federal holidays. Not only do I get to stay home and play all day, I don't have to worry about being bothered by pesky paper mail, yet FedEx and UPS deliver just the same. I'm waiting for a couple of things, and tomorrow have to send a few things away: a dead hard drive and a very sick Sony PDA. Both have been replaced by new, working units, so the world is good.

Penny and I were out Saturday night. For some reason, she got terrifically sick. Thing was, she had one glass of wine and a cosmopolitan, and then became very violently ill. My guess was, it had nothing to do with the wine or the cosmo, and everything to do with the pork chops and broccoli she had for dinner. Anyway, she managed to collect herself up enough to make it to the car, so we came back here and she slept for twelve hours.

No sex. Hard to get enthused about fooling around when your date may yack on you at any moment. Never mind the vague vomit-whiff in the air. Phew.

We sorted some stuff out over the weekend. We keep adjusting our expectations and things change and move. I am still not entirely certain she'll be around a year from now -- or that I will be -- but for now, we're not pushing anything and my temptation to go off and play in the world again has abated a little.

Sucks to be you, right? The only time this page is fun to read is when I have sex with someone new and tell you all about it, right?


*By the way, the complete lyrics to this fourth-grade-back-of-the-bus-song are (sung to the tune of the "Col. Bogey March"):

It makes your teacher scream...
It tastes like gas-o-line...
It smells like Comet!
So drink some Comet,
And vomit

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