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I lost a day somewhere

January 13, 2004 - 5:31 p.m.

All day, it's been feeling like Wednesday. Here I am, looking forward to getting paid tomorrow night, the weekend the night after that... and it's only Tuesday.


I was up rather late last night putting a new hard drive in my laptop. The old one has been slowly dying for these last few months, going all the way back to October, when I was in New York for a class. I had the sense it wasn't going to last any longer than it'd take to get a new one in there, and I was right. I've been backing the thing up for the last week, and right after I put the new drive (a Fujitsu 40-gig beast) in there, the old drive lost its mind.

But I didn't lose any information. Nor my mind.

I did, however, lose a day. Or something. I should go home and do stuff around the house, but I just... don't... wanna. I want to go get a beer and watch some televised sports and numb myself a little. Nothing particularly bad has happened recently, I just feel like not denying myself right now.

I spoiled myself slightly yesterday. Went over to CompUSA and arranged for warranty replacement of my older Sony Clie TG50, which I dropped and which has been getting sicker and sicker since, and while I was there I sprung for a portable DVD player. Yeah, yeah, like I watch lots of TV. I don't know, maybe on the next flight I'm on, I could shock the flight attendants by putting a good ole porn DVD in there, preferably interactive.

I don't fly that much.

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