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It's not that much to ask

January 08, 2004 - 12:04 a.m.

Nothing is unsexier than someone acting... stupid. Talk all you want, but you can't divorce the person from their personality, unless you're so heavily into bondage that you can't hear or see anything of the person.

Penny worries me. I want her to be... smarter. Not just raw-intelligence sort of "smart," but wittier, more insightful, less common, less prone to self-doubt and self-review. I've challenged her to BE SMART a couple of times, and I am worried that she doesn't understand what I'm after. Maybe her ex-husband expected her to be a cipher, an unchallenging sexpot, but I could care less about the sex if the mind isn't there to back it all up.

Give me a smart and reasonably-attractive woman over a dazzling moron every single time.

Calves or not.

Fucking one's brains out should not result in the actual LOSS of brains.

Oh, by the way: we need to get this woman to update her blog. Barely two dozen entries, but she sure had me hooked. And then... nothing!

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